Thursday, May 19, 2016

What makes a life good? I've been pondering this question quite a bit recently as I've had the pleasure of attending a few events that have explored this very question. As the National Disability Insurance Scheme rolls out around Australia people with disabilities have a real opportunity to pursue a good life. But of course everyone will have different ideas about what makes a good life. My life is good because I have a family I love, a home to retreat to and choices in how I go about my daily life (within reason of course). I get to have my cup of tea in bed on a Saturday morning and in my  favourite mug.  I also get to stay in my pyjamas all day Sunday if I really want to and don't need to go out of the house.

In the not too distant past people with disabilities have often been denied choice in their lives. Or if choice was available it was limited to what services providers decided to offer.  However what we are seeing now are opportunities for people to be the creators of their own lives. Rather than being passive recipients of care, people with disabilities have a chance to be active participants in their own lives, pursuing their own goals and dreams.

Over the past 3 years we've been supporting our own daughter to pursue her own life through identifying her likes, dislikes, looking at what hasn't worked and what has worked in the past. We know what a good day looks like and what makes a day not so good. She finishes school this year so she's been thinking (with support) about what she'd like to be doing next year. She is keen to do some voluntary work at a local animal shelter one morning a week. She wants to do yoga. She has tried out a couple of activities at the local neighbourhood house and this will be an option too. She may be returning to school to do some volunteering in the office.  Like many young people she wants to go out for dinner or the movies with a friend. Or plan a weekend away. At this point she will require support to do these things and we are confident that this will all be possible.

All in all an ordinary life. And a good one.

It's an exciting time. Instead of having to squeeze her unique and beautiful shape into a pre-determined mould she is creating her own space and determining what fits. Bring it on.

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